Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fast indexed searh in tshark output

Quick and silly indexing (for tshark dumps, but the same technique can be used on other structured files)


Create a textual tshark dump: 

tshark -n -V -r koko.pcap > koko.pcap.txt

Index all frame start positions by byte/line in the textual dump:

grep -bn "^Frame " koko.pcap.txt > koko.idx.txt

Search for a specific frame using the index: 

grep ":Frame 2291765:" koko.idx.txt

440357304:40366308773:Frame 2291765: 138 bytes on wire (1104 bits), 138 bytes captured (1104 bits)

Open the text dump seeking directly in the specified byte position using less: 

 less -n +"40366308773P" koko.pcap.txt

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